Beyond The Pitch - What a million kids have taught me about parenting
Is Remote Learning Giving You a Run for Your Money?

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Is Remote Learning Giving You a Run for Your Money?

October 20, 2020

Remote learning isn’t exactly how many of us hoped to start the school year. But here we are several weeks in and, as is becoming the norm, trying to make the best of social distancing.

School can be difficult in the best of circumstances. Adding in a pandemic and all that goes with it can be overwhelming. While many of you might be thriving (and I hope you all are!), a virtual classroom does bring its own set of challenges.

From making sure there is sufficient internet to finding quiet spaces to work and learn to long days sitting in front of a computer to losing the excitement and social connections with teachers and friends, there is a lot to manage.

As the year progresses there may be things that pop up that you weren’t quite expecting. Kids really do best when they are learning alongside their peers—especially when it comes to important social skills and the intangibles that we never really think about. Besides, sitting in front of a computer all day gets old; kids miss recess and the fun things they get to do while in a classroom. As a result, their emotions and frustration levels may get the best of them.

This article from Women’s Day offers some strategies to cope. Even if you have a good handle on things now, it might help you mitigate some future potential pitfalls. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

As with all things 2020, navigating online learning will require us to rely on our ability to be resilient, flexible and creative. I hope this helps.

Be kind to yourselves and others.

Until next time,

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