Tips for Back-to-School 2021
August 11, 2021
The start of school is just around the corner. I, for one, am not ready for the early morning routine or for making daily lunches, for that matter. I am excited about in-person instruction, however.
I have a high schooler. Online learning wasn’t her gig, and missing out on the typical high school experience for a year and a half was difficult on her academically and emotionally. She recently commented that missing school hindered her emotional development. For her, heading back to school and having a senior year with all its trimmings is a relief. It will also be an essential rite of passage as she enters adulthood.
While most of you are probably not in the same boat, I’m guessing some do have children entering school in some capacity. Whether it’s the first time ever, the first time in-person, or returning to a regular school experience, the shadow of Covid may be casting some mixed emotions over the idea.
Whether you are raring to go or have doubts about returning to school, it’s going to happen in some form. Wrapping your mind around that fact, talking about it, and formulating a plan for what it will look like for your family ahead of time may help with the transition. Check out this handout from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital for some helpful hints.
Be kind to yourselves and others.
Until next time,
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