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Lemonade Stands Stand the Test of Time
July 15, 2021
Our neighbor kids are quite the entrepreneurs. They create these simple, yet adorable pop-up stands where passersby can purchase anything from drinks to cookies to ice cream bars. They design homemade posters describing their wares, complete with a call to action (the 3-year old’s indecipherable sign is always my favorite). They are exuberant in their flair for attracting and caring for their customers, and even the shy one manages to peek around her mother’s legs to say thanks.
They are very successful.
Each time they set up shop, I’m amazed at the numbers they draw. And by what happens next. Everyone stops. Anyone who is running or walking by and those who are driving can’t resist. How could they? I think we all crave a sense of community and maybe the opportunity to revisit a slice of childhood.
“This simple act of throwing some things in a cooler and making some signs brings people together.”
While these suburban lemonade stands are a rite of passage — a bit of Americana — what these kids are doing and learning is far more than just killing time on a warm day. They’re building vital life skills like self-confidence, planning, decision-making, presentation skills, money management, and they are having a blast doing it. Most importantly, they are building community.
This simple act of throwing some things in a cooler and making some signs brings people together. We stop what we are doing, we gather, we chat. We laugh and find joy. It’s a breath of fresh air, especially after all of the seclusion we’ve endured the past year.
It reminds us of what is important.
If you’re looking for something fun to do with your kids this summer, why not try one? It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can even do it for charity. If lemonade stands aren't your thing or you don' t have time to host one, please make sure to stop the next time you see one--even if you don’t have any money or only have a $20 bill. I’d bet they’d make change. Or even give you something for free.
Be kind to yourselves and others.
Until next time,
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