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Helping Kids Overcome Their Fear Of Masks
April 20, 2020
Ready to move forward? Here’s something to consider.
I think we are all hoping the quarantine restrictions will soon be lifted. With this newfound freedom will undoubtedly come some additional recommendations from the CDC and local government on how to safely return to interacting socially. We are already seeing the recommendation for the use of masks.
Perhaps as you are venturing out for essential business you are already wearing one. For adults, masks make sense and can help us feel safe. But from a child’s perspective masks can be a little scary when they aren't used to seeing them - it may remind them of being sick (or the potential of being sick) and could be a trigger for those that have fears of mascots, clowns, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or any other costumed persona.
This article from the New York Times provides some great insight to understand why they might be scared and helps prepare your little one for these next steps. I hope you find it helpful!
Be kind to yourselves and others.
Until next time,
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